View Full Version : Thoughts on Active Record

2006-07-22, 22:12
I'm in the process of refactoring some old-ish code (Database code, to be specific). We already have a full implementation of the data model, however, with such a core refactor, we're looking at alternatives to our current Model.

Presently, we're using what we call, "Core Data Objects" to read data from an outside source (Such as a Database or an XML file, "Data Objects" to manipulate data, and "APIs" to read data from the Core Data Objects, and handle instances of Data Objects.

One of the alternatives that my partner is fond of is Active Record. I'm somewhat skeptical of it, simply because it's so widely used. If any of you have ideas, or have experiences with Active Record, I'd be very interested to hear them.

Oh, I suppose it's worth noting that this is all in PHP5.

Trunk is here (https://opensvn.csie.org/traccgi/SoapBox/browser/trunk/), for those who want to take a look at the actual code.