View Full Version : safari doing trange things...

2006-08-01, 08:50
this (http://www.bigwee.co.uk) page looks just fine in IE and firefox but in safari the tables go screw whiff, any idea why?

washington mac user
2006-08-01, 22:37
how is it safari's fault? I have things that run perfectly on Safari that run bad on firefox. In fact AOL used to be messed up on firefox, but was fixed.

2006-08-01, 22:51
What washington mac user is getting at is that each web browser has its own rendering protocol. There are standards for designing webpages, but each browser has its own little quirks (some more than others). So, occasionally you'll run into a webpage that was designed for one sort of browser that accommodates for a kludge in its rendering engine... but breaks in another browser. It's actually quite difficult to design a standards complaint website that renders correctly in all browsers.

Unfortunately, it's just one of the hazards of the web. :\

2006-08-01, 23:13
Jesus. That code is a filthy mess of tables within tables. It looks like the problem is that the author is specifying widths that don't add up properly. There's one table that's defined as 760 wide with adjacent cells defined as 578 and 182, but that latter one has another able embedded within it that has a width defined as 253. 578 + 182 = 760, but 182 != 253 and 578 + 253 = 831 != 760. He's just lucky that IE and Firefox are handling this bad code the same way.

That's as best I can tell without giving myself a migraine. Someone needs to hit that author in the head with a CSS book or two.

2006-08-02, 04:36
yupp, exactly what Brad says - and we all know all "good" web developers check their code runs well on all common browsers... don't we? :) one day... our dream will be realised!