View Full Version : Cafepress for Mambo

2004-09-17, 21:47
I like the cafepress site. I thought I'd tell you (in case you didn't know) that there's a cafepress component and module that integrates your store in Mambo. I don't know if it matters or if you care but you could show your items with the applenova URL rather than cafepress until checkout (and not have the top white cafepress banner).

You can get it at mamboportal.com. You may need to register.

2004-09-17, 21:49
Is that a Mambo component? We have a Mambo module running on the front end currently that showcases a random cafepress item from the store. I'll look into the component though...

2004-09-17, 22:33
Yeah, it's a component. I haven't tried it, but here's the description:

A CafePress shop integration component, which displays products from multiple CafePress Basic stores inside Mambo. Includes random product module.

It's located on mamboportal in the 4.5 shops category.