View Full Version : Mathematical Widget, Difficult?

2006-09-27, 05:09
I would like to make a widget that divides two numbers and shows the answer. The problem I have is when it comes to javascript, can anyone give me a hand?

2006-09-27, 06:16
Is the calculator widget not sufficient for basic division?

2006-09-27, 06:55
Sorry my post was a bit vague.

This is what I've quickly made in Illustrator, now i just need help with the code!

Horizontal Pixels is divided by the Output PPI that shows the answer in the first Image Area box. Same goes with the Vertical Pixels.

The 2nd lot to obtain an output PPI is just Horizontal Pixels divided by the Image Area. Same goes with the Vertical Pixels.


2006-09-27, 07:34
You should look through the Dashboard Tutorials on the ADC site.

I assume somewhere you'll have to script it. I don't know Javascript, but I'm guessing based on this page:

Once you have it setup and know the names of your elements, you just have to make some calls like:

document.getElementById("result_item").value = document.getElementById("dividend_item").value / document.getElementById("divisor_item").value;

2006-09-27, 22:16
Is the calculator widget not sufficient for basic division?
This question still holds.