View Full Version : Using gcc3.3 on Intel Mac

2007-05-29, 16:57
Alright, I feel like a dunce. I'm on an Intel Mac, and need to use gcc 3.3. I don't care if it produces an Intel binary, or a PPC binary, I just need it to run, and dump out the necessary dump files. Can *not* get this to work.

Anybody want to lend a down on his luck brother a hand? Yeah, I know it's either going to be "You can't do that" or "That's trivial", and I'm hoping for the latter, no matter how silly I look for not finding the magic combo...

2007-05-29, 17:03
sudo gcc_select 3.3

2007-05-29, 20:28
I wish.

% sudo gcc_select 3.3
Default compiler has been set to:
gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1819)
% g++ foo.cpp
g++: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1plus': No such file or directory
% locate cc1plus

No x86 3.3 cc1plus. :P

2007-05-29, 20:34
http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20060423105014540 ?

2007-05-29, 20:47
I think you can still use 3.3 on Intel Macs to compile for PPC. Try throwing an -arch ppc in your g++ command.

2007-05-29, 21:01
Badabing, badaboom.

That was the brain-dead simple solution I figured there had to be. Thanks. That kicked everything into shape. Don't even need to use gcc_select, just g++-3.3 --arch ppc.