View Full Version : An utility to enumerate what files were installed on Windows?

2009-12-31, 13:26
Does anyone know of an utility that can tell what files & other stuff a given installer will install into Windows, or at least compare Before & After effects? Or at least if this isn't really feasible?


2009-12-31, 13:40
This is feasible for MSI (Windows Installer)-based software. I'll try to dig something up.

2009-12-31, 19:22
I couldn't find a good utility that makes this convenient, but this VBScript can show you the files an MSI will install. (http://www.hanselman.com/blog/HowToListAllTheFilesInAnMSIInstallerUsingVBSciript .aspx)

2009-12-31, 19:31
Weird. I would have had expected something more than just a script to already exist and thought I was doing a poor job of googling.

But I can handle VBScript so that's something. Thanks, Chucker!

2009-12-31, 20:28
Well, you could use 7-zip (http://7-zip.org/) to look at the contents of MSI archives.

(You can also use Orca to show the internals of an MSI, but that requires the Platform SDK. A bit much.)

What I was really looking for and haven't quite found so far is a utility that shows you this info for stuff that's already installed. I've tried my luck with the Windows Installer extensions for PowerShell (http://www.codeplex.com/psmsi), but haven't gotten far enough.