View Full Version : Some of the Usual Draws

2014-07-30, 20:40
Aside from my profile picture and the rendering I posted of Brad's MC build, I have also done other art. For those interested, here is my current deviantArt account. (http://rshampnois.deviantart.com) I say current, because I spent a lot of time drawing furries in other galleries. But that's for another time :)

Here are some of the highlights!

Sketch of my first WoW character. A warlock. A terrible choice. She was short lived.

A quick scene I did of my main character, rockin the enhancement shaman in Scarlet Monastery. Good times!

Death from the Neil Gaiman "Sandman" series.

Crayon and construction paper lion. I love those mediums together!!

First of a series. All marker on bristol paper :D

Second installment of the series. I spilled coffee on the original, so this is the only image I have of it un-ruined :D
http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/136/1/e/3138b93417e80885357597f1568c916b_d64p42a_by_rshamp nois-d7imfgd.png

Again, markers on bristol paper. I wanted to play with marker blending here. :)

Colored pencils on bristol~ I just so happen to love bright colors

Watercolor pens on watercolor paper. I wanted to do giraffe-print, but look it doesn't appear that way at all.

Commission I did in 2012. What fun it was to do a big render, but so much time involved....
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/136/3/b/fiolina_in_the_moon_by_stoner_d5acbzz_by_rshampnoi s-d7imh2b.jpg

Another commission, and I CAN draw men! (though you wouldn't know it to look at my gallery...)

If you want to walk on the dark side of the internet I could be persuaded to post older galleries, but that Pandora's box is hard to shut again... Plus, it cannot be unseen. (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/212/8/b/Raiel__by_rlmiller.jpg)

Anyway. Thanks for looking! I'm no drewprops, but maybe one day I can grow up to be just like him. :)

2014-08-02, 09:47
Oh my good golly, Becca!!

Nobody can grow up to be like ME!!

But seriously, these are terrific!!

Knowing that I shouldn't break the 4th wall, I'll turn to the audience and say "You all know that I was just teasing when I told Becca to 'keep trying' in a previous thread... right?"

