View Full Version : Link colors

2004-05-16, 13:44
One more layout suggestion: blue/purple links on the battleship-gray background are hard to read. The nested forum links at the top, for example, and the "Welcome User" links. I'm not sure what is the best way to adjust that... Can you lighten the color of only those links that are against the background? Or maybe put a light-colored box around them like the posting rules box?

Great work so far...you guys are obviously working 24/7 to get this puppy up to speed.

2004-05-16, 19:15
In addition to this, could he have a different link color for a:hover? It makes it so much nicer to have feedback over the link your mouse is on.

2004-05-16, 19:54
I noticed the orange highlights you have on the front page:


And I think they look really good! Perhaps you could use an orange color for link mouseovers, and maybe orange highlights in other parts of the board as well? I think it'd look good as an Unread forum indicator.

2004-05-16, 20:00
We're still working out some of the other primary colour choices. You may have noticed some of the colours changing slightly throughout today. Once we finalise the background colours, we'll work on the link colours.

I admit, they are a bit tough to read on some backgrounds, and it is a rather high priority.

2004-05-17, 02:58
Ahh, that light gray is already much better, thanks! I really like the touches of orange and yellow. Subtly done, it works very well.