View Full Version : Apache's first page (I Wanna Change it!)

2004-07-01, 21:05
OK, here is the scoop. I enabled the web server on my G5 a long time ago and I would like to change the default page it shows. You know, the "If you can see this, it means that the installation of the Apache web server software on this system was successful. Blah Blah Blah..." page if you surf to a IP address without adding a /~username/ after it. I would like to change that page to a more friendly one, but when I searched for index.html, 1,301 results come back. There has to be an easier way than testing every single one.

Anyone know where this specific index.html page is so I can change it?

-Ebby :cool:

2004-07-01, 21:17
i have also experimented with apache, but soon gave up after i could not find the right index.html page. any help would be greatly appreciated.

2004-07-01, 21:22
try searching for an apache folder instead. i think it's the index file inside the services dir.

2004-07-01, 21:55
It's in /Library/WebServer/Documents.


2004-07-01, 22:25
You may want to hole off on that a second! My apache is not working after I edited the file. (Don't be like me and make a backup too!)

EDIT: Doublecrap! :eek: Luckily there was an error so I never emptied the trash. I restored the file and restarted and it still doesn't work. I'm gunna go make dinner and I hope it fixes it's self. :D

2004-07-01, 22:42
OK, Heart attack over. When I restarted, I got a new DHCP IP address, but I still don't know what happened the first time.

All works now and Barto is right. That is the right index.html. (you have to pick your language)