View Full Version : Widescreen vs cinetamic

2005-06-26, 17:58
Question, what is the difference between a widescreen and a cinetamic screen in regards to PC laptops. Yes I know I'm asking about PC's, but my friend needs advice, if you have any please let me know.

2005-06-26, 18:31
They sound like the same thing to me. What could be different?

Ask.com came up with results like this:
(which says, in part, "chock full of widescreen dolby digital cinematic joy...")


It's also entirely possible that people use "cinematic" and "widescreen" interchangeably in an effort to distinguish them from regular 4:3-ish TV aspect ratios.

2005-06-26, 18:36
They're probably used interchangeably. It's remotely possible that "cinematic" refers only to 16:9 screens, which is the most common aspect ratio for DVDs and wide HDTV sets. On the other hand, widescreen can be used for any aspect ratio wider than 4:3 (such as 3:2 or 16:10).

But I think they basically mean the exact same thing.