View Full Version : Contruction started of the freedom towers.

2004-07-04, 16:01
Ground was broken today at ground zero. It shows those f***king terrorists we are moving on. I hope the rumors I have been hearing about the top floors being empty is wrong. It would show the terrorists that we are still afraid of them raming a plane in the building again.


2004-07-04, 16:53
Actually I don't think that's the reason.

At 1,700+ feet -- becoming the world's tallest building most likely -- wind-sway will be enough to make people in the upper reaches of that structure rather ill. Obviously something that high will have to taper in it's diameter, require some serious oscillation absorption (for lack of a better description).

Even so, I don't know how much of that height will be real structure (vs. hollow / spires, etc); I doubt you will see any building anywhere with people occupying floors more than say 1,400 feet AGL. It's physiologically very disconcerting to most people when you reach those heights. Looking down out your window might be enough to make the average joe sick.

2004-07-04, 16:58
Christ, if you thought the naming and structure of the WTC was a target, then what is this? Terrorists will be queuing up for a go at it…

2004-07-04, 17:04
Nah. Honestly, they could name it Tower of Insignificance, and there would be people evil enough to want to destroy the site again. Names don't mean much in this conext IMO. Hell they could name it the Peace Be to Allah Tower and they would still want a crack at it.

Make the airports truly safe, make good foreign policy, keep our fingers crossed and that's all we can bloody do. I'm tired - sick to death - of thinking and worrying about terrorists. Screw em. I have a president who through his ignorance and arrogance continually makes it more and more likely people overseas will detest me because of where I live.

I'm just tired of it. I'm going to live my life normal as I can and you should too.


2004-07-04, 17:31
You know, I hate to be the one to say it, but would you actually want to work in the upper floors of that building?

2004-07-04, 17:48
Well, I feel I should chime in to clear up some things.

The Freedom Tower is only going to have 70 floors of occupied office space. That keeps the inhabited floors below other buildings in the downtown skyline. Above the 70th floor it's a hollowed lattice of steal and glass with wind turbines contained within. Along the side is a spire that will taper as it goes up, eventually reaching the height of 1776 ft. There's a 400 ft. difference in height between WTC 1&2 and the Freedom Tower with regards to occupied space.

However, nobody in New York really believes that it will get built. Today's ceremony was just that, a ceremony. Silverstein, the owner of the lease of the WTC, was recently dealt a set back in his lawsuits against his insurers which cut his payment in half. Daniel Libeskind is not in charge of the project anymore. Oh, and the Federal Government still owes New York City about $40 Billion. More likely than not as time passes the site will become less and less ambitious to the point where the buildings that go up, like the currently under construction building at the site of WTC 7, will be standard office buildings. But there will be office building built there. New York can't lose 2 million acres of office space and move on. We need the room as cold and heartless as it sounds.

As for working in the upper floors of sky scrapers. New Yorkers do it every day in the ESB, the Wollworth Building, Chrysler Building, 40 Wall, the Citi Building, and about 3 dozen other buildings that are above 700 ft tall. Hell I used to work on the 55th floor in midtown. You get used to it.

2004-07-04, 17:53
Working in an office that high up? Yeah, I would. In a heartbeat. Are you talking about the whole "plane hitting it again" aspect? If so, I truly believe the assholes shot their wad on that particular stunt.

Not to say that we won't get attacked again, but I don't think they'll attempt an encore along those lines. With as tight as things have gotten, I don't think they could do that again. That was a one-shot deal, IMO.

Besides, I pity (actually, I don't) the poor nimrod who stands up and tries to start any further shit on a plane. I'd like to think he'd have about 30-40 people beating him senseless before he could even finish his introductory "I'm taking over this plane" statement.


No, any future nonsense will probably come in the form of an explosive of some sort, since it requires much less planning and coordination and logistical wrangling. A dirty bomb, a chemical weapon, etc. Something "simple" and straightforward like that.


I truly believe - and I don't even think it's that far-out - that, in my lifetime, I'll see the detonation of some horrible, horrible device in a city somewhere in America. Not being gloomy or a "downer", but I honestly - as porous as the borders STILL are and as free and open as this country is (a good thing!), I just don't think it's too tough for determined, evil people to pull something like that off...especially if the perps themselves have no qualms about dying in the process.

Kinda hard to battle that mindset.


2004-07-04, 19:07
Yep. We either have our freedoms and our openness, and we grin and bear the possibility of more attacks than (anyone) would care to see, or we do a Brittany Spears and "trust our president completely and just believe in what's next" (or whatever the fuck that clueless bimbo said) and live in a police state... and still get bombed anyway.

One of the scariest friggin things in F 9/11 are these idiots who say "oh yah, you know we gotta give up some of our freedoms to be safer... sad but true, blah blah." No we don't. Don't give up any of them. Ever. For anyone. I'll take a gruesome death as a truly free man over an only slightly reduced possibility of a gruesome death (statistically speaking) while living as a person whose personal and business affairs can be observed at any given time under law.

Like I said, live our lives as best we can, keep our fingers crossed and that's it. I refuse to build a friggin bomb shelter or "air tight" living room or anything else on account of dickhead terrorists. Come and kill me or STFU, you stupid bastards... I'm not giving away my right to come and go and do as I please on account of you!

2004-07-05, 00:51
One of the scariest friggin things in F 9/11 are these idiots who say "oh yah, you know we gotta give up some of our freedoms to be safer... sad but true, blah blah." No we don't. Don't give up any of them. Ever. For anyone. I'll take a gruesome death as a truly free man over an only slightly reduced possibility of a gruesome death (statistically speaking) while living as a person whose personal and business affairs can be observed at any given time under law.

Amen to that. I will see the Patriot Act defeated, it its unconstitutional in the powers it grants, and I will die to defend that little piece of paper known as the Constitution.

2004-07-05, 10:23
I feel that I should also point out that there is not unanimous support for the Libeskind Master Design. Because of the nature of the attacks and the number of people affected there are many different splinter groups with their own ideas of what to do with the 16 acres. Some want the entire site undeveloped with the exception of a monument. Rudy Giuliani is a strong supporter of this idea. Other feel that the site should be developed, but the actual footprints of WTC 1&2 should be left untouched. Another group wants the WTC rebuilt as it was, but slightly closer to the Hudson River. Within those groups there are dozens of variations.

But like I said above, there is a huge crunch for office space in NYC right now. Most people don't know that those were not the only two buildings to come down. WTC 4 & 7, 20 and 50 stories respectively, came down as well. Right now they're starting to push into downtown Brooklyn. It's to the point now where there are two dozen 60 story buildings either built or in construction here. That's only the beginning. If Bruce Ratner has his way, most of Downtown Brooklyn below the Brooklyn Bridge will be commercial office space and the area around the Atlantic Center will house the Brooklyn Nets and another doze sky scrapers. I guess it was only a matter of time before Manhattan started pushing into Brooklyn.

Personally I'm a fan of this design:

2004-07-05, 14:09

That's a pretty good one. I've seen variations on that theme but never that one in particular.