View Full Version : Mounting external volume kills SSH?

2004-07-16, 17:05
So, I was SSH'ed into my home computer from a different location, and I wanted to get at something that was on my external Firewire drive. The drive was not plugged in at the time, so I IM'ed my sister, who was home, and had her plug it in. As soon as she did that, my SSH connection died, and I could not reconnect. I also could not connect via any other service I leave on (AFP and SMB). I am using OS X's built-in "Remote Login."

Is there any reason that these services would need to be restarted after mounting an additional volume?

2004-07-16, 19:52
Nevermind. I just got home and saw that she closed my PB in order to see the ports in the back, so it had gone to sleep.