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Mr. Vieira
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Tennessee
2009-02-13, 10:42

Originally Posted by Taskiss View Post
There should be documentation on how to do this filling my in-box... all driven by the cash that can be gained by unobtrusive ads in shopping channel format that I can use to do all my shopping from... from media content to clicking on the Santa's list my grandchildren created and sent me the link whateverthehelltheyare's telling me what my nephew's wedding wishes are... etc., sort of like the Wii channel menu I get when I fire up the game when my kids and their wives come over.

And then, Apple should step in and do it right, with an interface my 85 year old mother could not only use, but use to it's fullest extent.
That right there, IMO, pretty much distills it all down to its meaty essence

In general:

- When Microsoft copies (okay, "takes inspiration from") Apple, they tend to do it worse, or in such an unhinged "WTF?!" manner that you sometimes have to question their sanity or intelligence. I know I have on occasion...

- When Apple is "late to the party", or piggybacks onto an already-existing tech, process, product, etc., they tend to do it 10x better than "the old way", and usually wind up setting the standard the rest of the industry kills themselves to match.

The examples for both number in the thousands, I believe.

That's a very true assessment, IMO. It's not "fanboyism" as much as "well, just look around and see for yourself."

At this point, considering the evidence, I simply expect Microsoft to step on their dick at any given moment, trying to out-Apple Apple. I couldn't trust them to come up with a coherent, engaging marketing campaign to save my life. And I can't imagine their take on a "retail presence" being anything but a jumbled, confusing mess of shit not working right (except for maybe the game stuff, which is already entrenched, has a presence and following, etc.).

So, again...

I've said this before, and they're better when they don't do that. But they want to be "hip and cool" too, with quirky ads, dancing hipsters, etc. But it just looks silly because you can't manufacture "vibe" and stuff like that.

Apple doesn't even try, and Microsoft tries entirely too hard. And over and over they miss the mark on that front.