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Join Date: May 2004
2009-10-09, 02:10

Thanks! That was my favorite Halloween ever. One of the details I left out was that as the monster, when I got up off the slab to give out candy, I had two buckets. One of them had candy in it, the other had this disgusting concoction made up of Jell-O and various things floating around in it.

So as I approached one of the kids (I tried to pick the most gullible looking ones), I would reach into the Jell-O bucket and pull out a handful of dripping green ooze to put in the kid's candy bag.

"No! Bad monster!" the scientist would yell as he ran over and whacked me with a small stick. I would roar like Chewy at him, then reach into the candy bucket and put that in the kids' bags instead.

You should have seen the faces of some of those kids as they saw me about to dump a handful of quivering green bile into their candy bag. Priceless.