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Veteran Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Near Indianapolis
2015-05-14, 07:57

I went out exploring last night and got stuck outside at night-time. Thought I'd be safe if I stuck to the lighted paths until a creeper snuck up behind me and blew up part of the bridge I was one. I survived easily, and I was carrying some cobblestone that I could repair the bridge with. I put back the torches I could find too, then decided to turn back toward home.

Ran across a spider on the way and dispatched it easily. I saw a couple more up on a sand ridge and got cocky. I went up to go after them, then a swarm of undead-looking people attacked me (WTF was that?) and as I was on the run, a skeleton shot me dead in the back.

Thank Brad for the houses, because I respawned back there and was able to run back and find all the gear I dropped. God, I love this game already.

Twitter: bwyatt | Xbox: @playsbadly | Instagram: @bw317