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Mr. Vieira
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Tennessee
2021-11-29, 14:17

In short, nothing needs to change.

Maybe “tag” each story linked with the type of article it is and its verbatim headline in the link, as I’ve done in my most recent 2-3 news postings above (Dolly Parton, Machine Gun Kelly’s Grammy complaint, North Korea’s trench coat ban, etc.), and that should reasonably give everyone a solid indication of the kind of story/commentary they’d be wading into should they clink the link.

Simple, quick and doesn’t requiring having numerous “news” threads catering to every mood/sensibility that may be present at any given time. All it does is demand maybe an extra 3-4 seconds from the poster to “tag” the story, as I’ve done upthread.

A solution that never really had a problem. You’re welcome.

On a story that’s positive/uplifting, tag/format it as such at the start of the post:

**Positive/Who’s Cutting Onions?**

Baby orphan ducks complete their high school diploma, against all odds <— clickable link

Who wouldn’t click on such goodness?!