Thread: MC: Currency
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Rocket Surgeon
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: The Canadark
2011-04-26, 00:31

Now, I'm as guilty as the next guy for taking the handouts, but...

I kind of agree with Robo. I don't want there to be a currency, because one of the things I like about Minecraft is that we share stuff, with no quantified method of repayment, just a general feeling of generalised good karma. If we were running a fully public server where anyone and his dog could join, hen it'd be a good idea, but we're not.

Which brings me to my second thought: Handouts should be much rarer. Rare materials are rare for a reason. Making a giant pile of clay/gold/lapis just makes a mockery of what little economy the game has.

Oh, and: Go Southwest of 0,0 and build a mine. You'll get all the lapis you desire....