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M AH - ch ain saw
Join Date: May 2004
2005-12-20, 03:38

Originally Posted by Messiahtosh
Sounds noble Kit, however (warning), knowing all of that I still would unleash holy hell on someone if they closelined me or punched me (on purpose) for no reason.

I think, in life, there are times when it is perfectly acceptable to lose all control and retaliate with as much force as humanly possible.
I think thats a little rash. And probably why society won't accept you, ie. socially unacceptable.

Don't get me wrong though, personal safety is #1 on the list, so I don't disagree there, just with how much force you proposed to use. Also I imagine its just an exaggeration.

I've got a soft spot for homeless people usually, as long as they don't feed me obvious fabrications. Two weeks ago one started crying to me and a group of friends, I figured even if he was faking he deserved the buck I gave him for his acting.

User formally known as Sh0eWax