Thread: Apple Watch
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Veteran Member
Join Date: May 2004
Location: oaktown
2015-05-06, 00:32

So Apple is going to sanction and encourage third party bands. Interesting.

You know, I frequently find myself assuming things about Apple based on evidence from the Jobs era, forgetting that Cook runs a somewhat different kind of ship. So that without really considering it much I just figured they would actively discourage third party bands because it would "ruin" their meticulous design and cheapen the Watch experience. But so now it appears likely that you'll soon be able to get a Sport and pick up a relatively inexpensive, say, black leather band of your choice. Or one of those colorful fabric deals that cost like ten bucks. Or one of those Timex flex mesh things that I remember from when I used to wear a watch. Which is nice. And unexpected.

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