Thread: iPad 3
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Road Warrior
2011-03-20, 23:43

Originally Posted by Robo View Post
You know what I'd really love? If Apple not only put their iPhoto prints service on the iPad, but if they made it accessible to developers, with some sort of revenue-sharing model.

There's other print services that developers can use, but they're harder to use — you'd have to input billing information and go through this whole checkout process, and developers wouldn't see as many takers. But Apple already has all that information. They could make ordering a print just this one-click in-app purchase. Developers would be able to see way more impulse print purchases, and Apple would get a new revenue stream.

That's more of a software thing, though.
I think this is a good idea, but given how good the iPad is as a digital picture frame/sharing device, I wouldn't expect Apple to be in a rush to implement something like this. I know they made a bit of a deal about the photo printing services in the Lion preview, and it has been a quiet, but interesting service for some time now. But, I just think so much of the iPad's strength is directly tied into that "here, look at this" moment when you hand it to someone to see a: chart, email, video, website, picture...etc. That creating a service that sort of pulls that out of the device seems sort of obsolete?