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2021-09-02, 23:23

Originally Posted by Dr. Bobsky View Post
Yeah, it's a real shame about women having control over their health and bodies. If only we could make sure the government stepped in and made sure all pregnant women carried to term regardless of whether they were raped by their daddy or not*. That's how the 'developing world' will really know we're serious: our rape babies.
Of course, you're smart enough to know that way less than 2% of all abortions are done because of rape or incest, and this is even according to the not-at-all-anti-abortion Guttmacher Institute.

But you'll straw man and scare quote the "rape babies" charge for all its worth. Because there's nothing else to justify the mass-murdering of entire generations through abortion, which is just a continuation of progressive social control/eugenics fantasies going back to the 1800s.

When elite progressives tell stupid lies, like the world is overpopulated (it isn't, we're wasting our resources that could easily feed, house and clothe every person on Earth) or that climate change is going to render Earth almost unlivable in X number of years (that actually might happen, but you have to trust the ending of the Bible to back it up) people start to tune out and it damages trust in leadership and social institutions.

Which is exactly how a bunch of yahoos spouting conspiracy theories on the internet as a means of racking up hits and dollars, are derailing a vaccination drive that could end this pandemic early.