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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Purgatory
2014-11-27, 10:16

Originally Posted by kscherer View Post
Spend any money you have in the market on neat stuff like diamonds and other shiny things.
Or cheap, mundane things. Most every one of the new blocks in 1.8 (with the exception of monument blocks) can be crafted with existing 1.7 materials, so I've been stocking a few chests full of cheap stuff in preparation.

Best market deals, imo:
Red Sand* (10/$15), Podzol (10/$10), Vine** (10/$10), Hardened Clay (10/$150)

* because of relative rarity and its use in 1.8 to make Red Sandstone.
** because harvesting large quantities of vines is a pain, and they can be used in 1.8 to make Mossy Cobble and Mossy Stone Bricks.

Good deal combos for upcoming blocks:
½ stack gravel + ½ stack dirt = 1 stack Course Dirt. ($64/stack)
4 stacks red sand = 1 stack Red Sandstone. ($384/stack)
9 slimeballs = 1 Slime Block. ($54/block - $3456/stack)
• Quartz (10/$800) because:
½ quartz + 1 cobble = 1 Andesite ($40/block - $2560/stack)
1 quartz + 1 cobble = 1 Diorite ($80/block - $5120/stack)
2 quartz + 1 cobble = 1 Granite ($160/block - $10240/stack)

And yes, closest Monument to CC is getting turned into a Shard farm.

So it goes.