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Hates the Infotainment
Join Date: May 2004
Location: NSA Archives
2007-01-06, 16:09

Yah 40-50 is a nice break in winter when you get it, but it's not winter when it stays that way. Eh?

1) I like change of seasons / playing winter sports;
2) There are other repercussions as already noted (bugs, potential crop issues because there's less water suspended in the upper soil, etc). And there's all sorts of bizarre stories overseas too.

When I was in England and Wales people were keenly aware of it and spoke of it in everyday terms, there wasn't this "is there or isn't there" BS "debate" that the lobbyists and politicians try to spin over here. There is no debate among serious scientists... at least not those without ties to the energy industry - the only ones that have the balls to contradict this stuff are the ones who are funded by corporations that stand to lose money if they're forced to rethink the way their factories work, etc.

It's happening, and it's not good. There are warming cycles of course (if you look on very long time horizons), but if you look at the data and trends over the last 50 years in a variety of areas, the signs are unmistakable. There's really not much head-scratching to do beyond "how are we going to improve our everyday habits and behavior as a civilization to minimize the abnormal effect we're having on the earth's climate cycle and the engines that drive it?"

Obviously, we all need to live our lives and have some of our modern conveniences to get things done but those same things, in ever increasing numbers (global population and industrialization across giant swaths of Asia) have a sort of unstoppable momentum. All we can really do, is reduce our own footprints and hope the man-made effects we've already set in motion (over the last 50 years) play themselves out without ruining half of civilization. Even if it takes 100 years to ruin it.

Anyway, keep the freakish winter stories coming as I think it's stuff like this that makes us all stop and go "oh, well maybe I am seeing the effects and until now just wasn't paying attention." We all need to wake up, and especially Americans, as we are responsible for a gigantic proportion of the world's CO2 problems. The only way China and India will ever "follow our lead", is if we make some sacrifices and actually *lead* (i.e. do some significant and widely visible things, soon). Why should their prosperity be curtailed when we already had our day in the sun -our modernization and build up onto the world markets- UNLESS we show them we've got the balls to eat our own dog food and make some changes.

...into the light of a dark black night.