Thread: Diablo 3
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Road Warrior
2012-07-20, 01:00

Yeah, I had a lot of fun with the game for a month or so, but it died/got old pretty quickly. Something about the Auction House saps a lot of the old fun of finding great loot, and even though there are probably dozens of random areas and events I haven't seen yet, the areas don't feel quite as expansive or random as they did in Diablo 2. I think my biggest issue though is that gear is too balanced and too predictable for the most part and the overwhelming majority of gear you find is only useful as something to sell on the AH to save up gold to buy awesome gear. You can't really say anything against Blizzard's ability to balance a game, but I think part of the fun in Diablo 2 was specifically that you'd always find gear that was kind of overpowered, at least for a while, then you'd progress and it'd be less valuable but there'd always be a new piece to find that was just as overpowered. In Diablo 3, that sensation is basically neutered, most of the time you get gear it's perfectly within the type of gear your level 'should' be getting, and most of the attributes, even on legendary pieces, aren't really dramatic.

It's frustrating in a way because you look at how well the game is designed and thought out and the skill system and the gear system and the level design and boss battles really are masterfully put together, they're just... not that much fun after a while. Diablo 2 probably holds a record for me in terms of longest running, most addictive, still-able-to-be-fun-even-after-12-years gameplay, but I haven't had any real desire to pick up Diablo 3 at all past a certain point. Oh well.

I suspect that the game will get a lot better in the coming years. They will patch it, add features and functionality, maybe even do something drastic like reset the AH periodically(or introduce a play mode that has it completely disabled) there will likely be an expansion pack, and of course the biggest thing to look forward to is PvP. But until then, I had my fun with the game and I'm not really looking to continue onward. Not sure if I really got my $60 worth, but maybe if I fire it up in a year or two and can enjoy it, then it'll be a different story.