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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Durham, NC
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2019-08-23, 05:00

My son saved up lots of holiday and allowance money and recently got an Ender 3D Pro. We had a blast putting it together and learning about printing. It's a constant learning process with every print and filament type presenting a different challenge.

Our recent project has been printing me an iPhone X case since mine is near EOL and the cases for the X and not the XS are getting harder to find. We're using a flexible filament. We had to figure out how to stop it from wrapping around the extruder wheel (print a new extruder and insert a piece of Bowden tube) and get it to adhere to the bed. Still working on that last one.

It's been fun learning something new along with my 12 yo son. Usually I teach him things as we go but this project, we're learning together. The only downside is that each 'learning opportunity" (mistake in non-child psychologist speak ) takes a ton of time because of the whole trial and error process. You've got make your adjustments in Cura, wait for the bed to heat up, wait for the extruder to heat up and then wait for the print to fail...

Anyone here use a 3D printer? What have you printed? Any tips for n00bs?

If it's not red and showing substantial musculature, you're wearing it wrong.