Thread: 2020 Apple
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Veteran Member
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Toronto
2020-02-03, 21:44

I have the regular 27", so I didn't know changing the RAM in the iMac Pro was even technically possible.
(I put an SSD in my 27" which isn't for the faint of heart either.) It will be interesting to see which way Apple goes.

If the Ax chip overperforms, can they put a $2900-$4000 Mac Pro variant on sale for mere mortals?
('Midrange Mac' advocates will have a heart attack.) The iMac Pro would then go away and hang out with the 20th Anniversary Mac.

Or is the plan to have regular pros adopt the iMac Pro?

I have to admit, user-serviceable RAM and screen rotation would pull me upward from the regular iMac line.