Thread: LoCash
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On Pacific time
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Moderator's Pub
2005-06-01, 22:29

I am devastated.

I just can't believe it.

Oh, Jack, it can't be true. You can't be gone.

I'm in a public library and tears are streaming down my face. What a terrible place to have to deal with something like this. Oh god.

Jack was an incredible, bright, many-faceted person. He wrote me the most amazing letter in the mod forum - a letter about himself, in answer to a few questions I had asked. It made me want to know SO much more about him.

But now it's too late.

He had so much going for him, so much talent, such a mischievous sense of humor. He wrote beautifully. He wanted AppleNova to be a wonderful place for the community of posters. Months ago, he and I were thinking of doing a "Dear Abby" column together for the front page, but we put that on the back burner because he decided he wanted more technical content there.

We had so much fun with the 'love slave' scenario. I was his love slave, but not a very good one, because I don't like taking orders.

I wanted to get to know him so much better, but I put if off. And now it's too late. Oh, Jack, how can this have happened? How can this have happened?

I feel sick to my stomach. It will be a long, long time before I get over this. Oh, Jack. Oh, Jack. How can this be true?

PS - he sent me a picture of himself in his Afghan hat. Does anyone have that picture? I don't have access to it now, but I will eventually, and I'll post it when I can.