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Engine Joe
Going Strange...
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Brooklyn, NY
2006-06-21, 17:08

Originally Posted by krnboy32
hmm.. that's pretty strange... try this unpluging the mag safe and wait about 10 seconds, then open up more than 1 folders and then use the "all windows" expose and the movement doesnt look as fluid as when plugged in.
Now I do see what you're talking about; though I wouldn't call it "lag" per se - I perceive that to mean there is some kind of delay or stutter in function. But that isn't what I'm seeing happen when I try this test. It just moves a little slower, no delays/stuttering... it just takes slightly longer for a window to go from its beginning point and scale to its end point and scale. That said, it is barely slower - I wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out. Another way to really notice it is to use that Exposé function repeatedly in quick succession, then, while still doing all windows Expose, pull out the Magsafe. Keep doing it, and eventually you'll notice it'll slow down a little bit.

If you do the same excersise again for the same amount of time without unplugging, it never slows down.

Last edited by Engine Joe : 2006-06-21 at 17:29.