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Veteran Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
2008-03-14, 17:57


I've been getting a bunch of Russian spam lately. WTF? Do they think I can read Russian?

Also, the male enhancement spam seems to be on the rise again, after subsiding for a while.

But this one made me laugh, because my first thought was that Drew had become a spammer.

Subject: Teeny booty drenched in malt liquor clavierists

tamarinds! ennoblement coconspirator jampani. psammophytic blueprinted encephalitis=) kemb gathering thoracomelus multitarian spizzerinctum! cravenly spikenard felicities. embryoferous superbest synthesizer lysing magniloquently recognizee.
ureylene syrma gonoblastidium overfears, demolitionary prickier genitourinary.. skyway posthumus. meatloaf platycelian underreamer embrocating
pubescence dance..

harpylike okthabah
popeye flaunters irrestrainable sinuous brigadiership dirtying overinvolving
alkalimeter metastatic!
Seriously, what is the point of this? There was a link in the original message, but they didn't do a very good job of persuading me to click on it.