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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Canada
2010-03-25, 14:57

Not really much of a recipe, but I thought I'd share my lunch today. It was THAT good.

I've been reducing carbs a ton, eating more fats and meat (caveman diet, primal blueprint stuff, etc). This is a sweet way to eat an avocado, let me tell ya.

Just slice up an avocado, put a bit of mayo (mine is homemade with olive oil, egg, lemon juice, mustard) down on a big leaf of lettuce sleeping bag, and lay a couple of nice pieces of bacon down to bed. Wrap it up and try not to look too savage as you uncontrollably ram it down your throat. Good GOD this is delicious. Oh, I also took the picture before I covered this in pepper.

Also I made mashed (like, mashed the hell out of, then again for good measure) cauliflower last night for supper to have with chicken. Put some butter on there, salt and pepper, a smidgen of shredded cheddar... potatoes can officially kiss my ass. They were great! I even had my daughters cleaning their plates (after refusing to even try it for the first 5 minutes).

Anyway, those are my easy-as-pie, not-really-recipe contributions.