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I am worthless beyond hope.
Join Date: May 2004
2004-07-30, 01:22

It's all iPod, isn't it? Pretty much?
when the iMac was selling in numbers similar to the iPod it was the iMac up on all those ads. you're point? Apple advertises their hit product and what's hot. amazing.

I'm glad the iPod is a success. Honestly. I wish they could put 1/5 of that effort into, say, the operating system, maybe? iLife? The consumer-level stuff. The great "whole widget" thing that makes them unique.
something no one other than you and the hundred mac nuts care about? an ad featuring iLife is wasted money.

But some people simply don't even know enough or even THINK of Apple to even be able to make that secondary decision. That's what I'm talking about. There's that whole middle-ground of people out there, not terribly happy with Windows but not sure what else is there. When they hear "Apple" or "Macs", their thoughts swirl around System 6 or 7, old systems they used in college or "those funky artists computers that I can't use Microsoft Office on".

There is a decade-plus vault of myths and misinformation Apple could consider addressing, since, in my experience that seems to be the largest hurdle for most normal, rational people considering a Mac. All the crap their co-workers and brother-in-law has told them for years and years, people who haven't touched a Mac beyond OS 8.1, and that was, oh, two times? And because their printer jammed or whatever, they've automatically attributed their less-than-ideal experience to "them damn Macs" (and not the jamming printer or frayed cable or whatever), and have made it a point to tell everyone they know a bunch of baseless bullcrap for a decade or so.
and you think 30 second commercials and billboards are gonna change all that? who are you kidding?

the iPod is a bigger misconception squasher than any commercial ever will be. You can't squash these misconceptions in a single swift 30 second kick. It takes a long time. The iPod has broughts hundreds of thousands of people into Apple stores. That changes conceptions more than an ad. The iPod is the misconception killer. It's cross-platform, easy to use, well integrated, widely supported, relatively problem free, now so over priced.....and it's bringing these people into Apple Stores (most of which by the way are windows users)....the prime environment in which to show the strengths of Apple and its products