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Mister Black
Join Date: Feb 2005
2005-05-18, 14:37

Originally Posted by WBG4
I have always supported rebuilding the towers more or less as they were because i don't know i think that shows how strong you are
This makes sense. To rebuild the towers exactly as they were, like a wound healing cleanly with no scarring, would be a strong statement to the world saying, "We're still here, unfazed, ready for business as usual."

Unfortunately instead of healing our wounds, making our peace with the governments of the world, and apologizing (yes, apologizing) where appropriate, the US government used the events of september 11 to remove freedom under the guise of security, scare the crap out of the citizenry, and proceeded to delare war on everyone we haven't bought yet. I think the Freedom Tower is the perfect replacement for the twin towers because, like the patriot act, it represents not what america aspires for, but what it has become. Like Trump says, "Why are we building this monstrous 'skeleton' known as Freedom Tower? If Freedom Tower is built, the terrorists win." The terrorists won already! We're terrorized! That's why The Dept Of Homeland Security exists. Thats why we'll continue to elect racist white men with bankrolls and tunnel vision to run the country. And that's why we don't deserve another twin towers.