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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Near Indianapolis
2006-08-17, 12:45

Originally Posted by torifile
Oblivion is great but I can't seem to get over the frame rate problems. I don't know what to do to tweak it properly. I'm ok with 15 fps while just exploring but when that's all you get in the middle of a battle... it frustrates me. What are you running it on and what are your settings?
I play it on my XBox 360. My old gaming PC rig would choke badly if I tried to run Oblivion on it, and I didn't want to have to haul that old bastard PC to school this year. The 360 version does have framerate issues at times as well, but I haven't had any problems during battles--just when I run while exploring. Then again, I'm only 17 hours into the game, so maybe it's because I'm not too far into the game and I haven't seen a really crazy battle yet.

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