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Mr. Vieira
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Tennessee
2014-07-15, 11:19

I've never heard of it. Just now read about it.

Man, the major networks are dead. I'm not a big TV guy, but what little I watch is on FX, AMC, USA, TNT or Syfy. Anytime I flip past the 3-4 major networks, I'm just astounded at how lame everything is. It's one of the following:

- "Competition reality", where a bunch of annoying 20-somethings act like screaming jerks and crybabies over some piss-ant gig/position
- Overwrought medical and crime dramas with impossibly attractive people acting all grim and bleak, speaking in tough-talk jargon
- Comedies that aren't funny, including all those shot-on-film/no-laughtrack ones that seem to be the trend now...all "ironic" and "quirky", like a 22-minute Doritos Super Bowl commercial.

No thanks.

I do admit, however, to still getting a total laugh/jolt from that old chestnut Cops.

Nothing makes me laugh harder, and I absolutely love seeing brainless, lying lowlifes getting nabbed for doing brainless, lowlife stupid stuff. That never gets old. I love to hear their stories/excuses (none of them are ever real/legit, of course, but I appreciate the on-the-spot creativity and commitment..."naw, man...this ain't my car/gun/weed/crackpipe/knife/ID/bloody shirt/shoes/'s my cousin's! No, I don't know his name, officer...we ain't close"). I love to see what they're wearing. I love how some people simply can't/won't just do what they're told. So many people on that show wind up going to jail - and all that it entails - because they just couldn't a) follow a simple command ("keep your hands out of your pockets", "stay in the car", etc.), and b) shut their mouths for five minutes (and not challenge/antagonize the cops; like it or not, that's never going to go your way). Sit there, shut up and do what you're told and you'll probably be sent on your way with a ticket - or maybe just a warning? - in many instances (rolling through a stop sign, a broken brake light, etc.).

But noooooo...there's always gotta be a belligerent, oblivious hardcase/bad-ass who has to elevate everything. I can always tell who's going to wind up sprayed/tased/cuffed 'n' stuffed..."ooh, he's talking a little too much and a little too loud for just a broken tail light...I give it three minutes before he's on the ground, underneath 5-6 cops."

It's the ultimate feel-good/pick-me-up show, because no matter how weird, bent and off-track your life gets sometimes, you can always say "hey, I'm not that shirtless, methed-out dickwit running down the street, seconds from being tased on national I've got that going for me."