Thread: Bluesky
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Join Date: Jan 2005
2023-04-30, 15:02

There are some clients now that are just defaulting to an instance for Mastodon, so that part has been taken away. Makes signup a bit easier.

I think a bigger barrier is not having everyone from Twitter on Mastodon and finding them has been difficult with the Twitter api being shut down.

Mastodon is still lacking universal search and quote posts, so that's also stopping some people from using it.

There are just so many alternatives at this point that it's become difficult to figure out which one will take off.

Seems like most of the tech side has gone to Mastodon, but Bluesky has taken some of the celebrities and journalists, with some of those journalists have also moved to Substack Notes.

Decentralization is good, but too many options and this type of social media will just disappear.

No more Twitter. It's Mastodon now.