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Hates the Infotainment
Join Date: May 2004
Location: NSA Archives
2005-05-19, 10:31

I don't care about popular opinion if it's wrong. A popular majority voted for W. A popular majority supported going into Iraq. A popular majority thinks that Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is a display of good design. The majority think wish to believe they live in the 19th century but a more convenient and hygenic one.
Quote of the new millennium ™.

While I think it's very important to get some popular consensus on whatever new design goes up (you don't want to make these decisions in a vacuum), the whole notion that some concept must be valid because a popular majority of Americans said it was OK, is often more than a little misguided.

Another point is that the original WTC were built and designed in another time with different aesthetic values. People back then were into the "bigger and blocky is better" thing. Look at many of the airplanes and automobiles and houses of the same generation...

...I would like to delude myself into believing the people in this country who really pay attention and value such debates as this, would have a more well-rounded appreciation of different types of architectural aesthetics than their predecessors in the 60s and 70s (and even 80s).

It's time to redefine the skyline there with something that is not only commercially viable and functional, but something that has an element of subtle beauty to it also. I agree with Buon and will reiterate I think rebuilding WTC-like towers is arrogant. Such a plan would presume to replace the irreplaceable. Just like all the victims inside, the towers are gone. Let them stay gone as a part of that memory. To remake them is just... ugh. It's so Trump, isn't it? So devoid of [balanced thinking and open-minded ideas].

...into the light of a dark black night.

Last edited by Moogs : 2005-05-19 at 10:37.