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Join Date: May 2004
2022-08-09, 09:08

It's not unprecedented. The Supreme court ordered Nixon to release Whitehouse documents/tapes. The Whitehouse was technically his home, and Nixon, for all other warts, was probably following the rules surrounding preservation of presidential documents.

Trump is different because in the office of president Trump himself is an unprecedented con man who has made a mockery of presidential conventions and the republic's laws. However, because congress (both republican and democrat) was by equal turns corrupt and/or weak, they did little to challenge him. Additionally, the institutions whose functions might be called to aid the checks and balances against unfettered abuse, were equally weak. The justice system failed its responsibilities to investigate a host of abuses. Emoluments? The Supreme Court? Absent... I could go on, but one has to be turning a willfully blind eye to the very likely possibility that Trump sought directly to overthrow an election, to sew a violent insurrection while keeping a pretense of distance, and if so, conspired to cover his own direct involvement.

If they don't investigate him, and search all of his person/assets/businesses/associates, in search of the truth of those events, then why do they exist at all?

Last edited by Matsu : 2022-08-09 at 19:23. Reason: I'm developing a potty mouth :(